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Smithdon High School

Students ‘Let It Go’ at Carnival

Hunstanton Carnival-goers were treated to a sneak preview of our school’s upcoming musical, when students performed a medley from Frozen Jr.

Approximately 20 cast members came together to perform well-known numbers from the popular musical, which we will be staging for our Christmas performance.

Songs included polished solos from Year 8 students Ellie Proctor, playing Anna, and Martha Smith, playing Elsa, who performed For the First Time in Forever and Let It Go on a stage in Hunstanton created for the carnival.

“This was our second time performing at the Hunstanton Carnival,” said Smithdon’s Music Lead, Andrea Miller. “This was the first time our cast had performed at an event, and it was so exciting as they got to do so on a proper stage in front of a large audience, right after the parade.

“Some were a bit nervous, as this was one of their biggest audiences and they had not performed in front of people before.

“We are so proud of our two leads, Ellie and Martha, who even performed solos at the event.”

Miss Miller continued: “We had a really positive response to the performance, and people seemed to really enjoy seeing the kids all dressed up in their school uniform and performing for them.

“We have put a lot of effort in recent years in trying to bring the school more into the community, and we hope that performing at events like this will bring more people into the school when we do the performance.”